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Robots with Human Skin

I have been following the development of robots for a number of years. The subject will fit nicely in the Attitude book series I have been writing. One aspect I find quite interesting is how much robots are becoming more like humans. Not the robots which build Tesla cars or load boxes in Amazon warehouses, […]

Scientists Create Human Stomach Tissue

Scientific breakthroughs are occurring at a steady clip. Many of the breakthroughs are aimed at medicine. As artificial intelligence (AI) comes on the scene, we will be increasingly amazed at what is happening. The good news is the breakthroughs will result in improved outcomes. We will see cures for things previously without cures. Hopefully, many of […]

Scientists Create Blood from Skin Cells

The American Red Cross collects 14,000 blood and platelet donations for patients every day for use in 2,600 hospitals nationwide. Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood or platelets for treatment associated with burns, traumatic accidents, heart surgery, organ transplants or treatment leukemia, cancer, or sickle cell disease. This past July, the  Red […]

Can Tech Create Muscle Tissue?

Back surgery sometimes results in an infarction of a nerve. If the nerve does not grow back, the result can be a drop foot condition. Over time, the leg muscle atrophies. If you walk around Florida, you can see more than a few cases of gentlemen in shorts with one leg noticeably smaller than the […]

Graphene Flexes its Muscles

Graphene is amazing. Things it makes possible will seem like miracles. (See prior stories about graphene in the Attitude LLC blog.) In combination with 3-D printing, graphene may accelerate the possibilities for printing human tissues, including organs. A team of biomedical, electrical engineering, and materials science PhDs published an article about how graphene foam can be a scaffold for […]