 +1 386-243-9402 MON – FRI : 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

50th Reunion at Lehigh University

Thanks to fellow Lehigh University alumus, Tom Healy, for telling me about a It is hard for me to believe, but, this weekend was my 50th reunion after graduating from the College of Engineering at Lehigh University in 1967. I was really proud of the Class. We had 100 attendees, including four from Kappa Sigma, […]


In 1963, when I started in engineering school, there were two tracks that an electrical engineering student could choose from — electronics or power. Electronics was about solid state devices such as transistors. (The Intel microprocessor was not to come until 1971). The “power” track was mostly about electric motors and power generation. Fast forward fifty years and you […]

Where Were You When…?

Most of us remember vividly where we were on September 11, 2001. In my case, I was in Danbury, Connecticut in the board room at Bristol Technology meeting with their CEO, Keith Blackwell. Remember where you were when you first heard that President Kennedy was assassinated, 53 years ago this week? (or when Jerry Garcia […]

Continuity of Thought

The most irritating form of privacy intrusion is the increasing trend in video advertising. As print advertising declines, the Internet is awash in advertising. Publishers must receive income to cover the cost of quality journalism and creative productions. The question is how the income is derived. Some people love their brands and are happy to hear from them, but […]

Folks on Spokes – 3

The Hammock Dunes Bicycle Club members call themselves “Folks on Spokes”. The group varies between a few and a dozen. Today, six of us enjoyed a 30-mile ride. We met at the south gate of Hammock Dunes at 8am and headed south on A1A. The first leg of the ride was eight miles to Flagler Beach. Then we headed […]