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Net Attitude – Not

I hope you will read Net Attitude. In 2001, I said that a good net attitude is to give users or prospective users the choice to “opt-in” to an email list. A lack of net attitude is to get your email address from some source and opt you in without your consent. If you get opted […]


Somehow I got on a mailing list from brainyard. The mailings were not malicious or obnoxious, but just not something I find of interest. Therefore, I clicked unsubscribe and was taken to their process for getting removed from their list. The name “brainyard” implies that the people there are very smart. Perhaps they are, but […]


When writing Net Attitude back in the summer of 2001, one of the topics I included was netiquette, a set of social conventions I learned from David Singer and a few other IBMers who were steeped in Internet history.  They taught me to not use ALL CAPS because in the culture of the Internet that […]