Telehealth Moves Toward Mainstream
Telemedicine is on its way to becoming mainstream. One company, Teladoc, is believed to have garnered a 75% market share, but I expect a lot more competition coming in. That will be a good thing, more competition will mean better choices for consumers. So far, consumers like telehealth. For as little as $40 they can see […]
Convenience Is Driving Telehealth
American Well is a private company based in Boston, MA. It has a mission to improve access to quality healthcare while making it more affordable for consumers. The company does this by using mobile and web telehealth to remove barriers such as distance, mobility, and time and making healthcare more convenient. In today’s busy lives, convenience is becoming more important. […]
Cruising with X-Rays
AIDA Cruises is an American/British owned German cruise line based in Rostock, Germany. AIDA offers cruises to many parts of the world including North America, Northern Europe, Western Europe, Southeast Asia, and the Mediterranean. The cruise line announced a telemedicine partnership with the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at Rostock University. Shipboard medical personnel will now be able to share x-ray […]
Healthcare for Children
This week, I spent a day at St. Mary’s Healthcare System for Children in Bayside, Queens, New York. I had never been to Bayside, so I learned some new geography. The more important learning was about the great work the 97-bed healthcare provider is doing to help children. Children at St. Mary’s are not there with […]
Medicare Spent $14M for Telemedicine Last Year
Medicare reimbursed healthcare providers $14M for telemedicine in 2014. The spending represents continued growth but still a drop in the bucket. The bucket of money Medicare spent in 2014 was $600 billion. As a percentage the telemedicine spending was .002%. The focus of telemedicine in the past has been rural America. Patients hundreds of miles from a […]