Can Carbon Neutral and Electricity Be Compatible? by John R. Patrick Can Carbon Neutral and Electricity Be Compatible? by John R. Patrick On this past Sunday, I listened to Fareed Zakaria interview Ajay Banga, the new President of the World Bank and formerly head of Mastercard. Being asked about world hunger, poverty, disease, and debt problems around the world, Mr. Banga said the most important […]
Which Is Worse: Power Outage or Digital Outage?
A friend in Westport, Connecticut called me yesterday from his landline. Landlines have declined due to the advancement of mobile network technology and the obsolescence of the old copper wire network. Eventually the metallic networks will be completely out of date, perhaps within the next five years. I don’t know many people who have landlines […]
How To Make Money From Carbon Neutral
Over the last few weeks, my e-briefs have focused on the greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases which are the biggest contributors, a discussion about carbon dioxide, how to calculate your carbon footprint, and how to offset the footprint to become carbon neutral. I cited non-profits you can donate to which are engaged in activities to reverse […]
How the Senate Votes
Several House members have introduced a bipartisan resolution to modernize how Congress operates. It includes the ability to vote remotely or take part in hearings online. A California Congressman said, “Across the nation we see the development of new, innovative ways of conducting business to improve communication and connectedness. It’s time for Congress to learn […]
Technology News
There is a lot going on in the world of technology. I look forward to sharing new stories on things I learn about in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics, scientific discovery, medical research, healthcare, and much more. However, it is still November, and I cannot resist making some further commentary about the American election system. […]