 +1 386-243-9402 MON – FRI : 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

Kill The Mac?

A  story in today’s WSJ suggested that Apple should kill off the Mac. Desktops and laptops are not the future, the author said. He further suggested that Apple should put all of its focus on whatever is coming next. I was intrigued that someone could be so far off in the weeds in his understanding […]

Bad Apple?

Just a few months ago, some analysts were projecting that Apple would soon reach $1,000 per share. Now they are saying Apple is in for big problems ahead including increased competition, lower profit margins, being forced into less expensive product introductions, and the challenges of maintaining high growth. Apples earnings report brought a traumatic price […]

Apple Hubris?

A friend of mine was having trouble with his Apple iPhone 4.  For some reason, the iPhone no longer recharged.  My friend verified that the charger and cable were not defective. After calling Apple support, they agreed the iPhone was defective, and although the warranty had expired, overnighted a new iPhone 4 for $149 +the […]

The New MacBook Pro

Microsoft this week displayed a stark contrast in their marketing strategy versus Apple.  With great fanfare Microsoft announced their new tablet computer called the Surface.  CNET described it as an “attempted market freeze” (See Microsoft attempts market freeze with Surface preview).  The reason for the CNET commentary is that the Surface was announced with fanfare, […]

Apple MacBook Pro

The new Apple MacBook Pro is just too much to resist, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.  The retina display will light up 5.1 million pixels on the screen, exceeding HDTVs by a couple of million pixels.  The solid state storage, 16GB of memory, and the input-output upgrade should make it […]