What’s New?

Hobby Attitude is the one! The final tally came in with 63% of the votes for Hobby Attitude. I have started an outline for the book and will update you from time to time on my plans and progress. Thanks for your interest. One of Elon Musk’s companies, Tesla, is on a roll. There have […]

Meet the Author at The Boiler Room

It’s time for another book party! There will be a “Meet the Author” event on Thursday, August 29 at 5 PM in The Boiler Room at the Hawley Silk Mill. The theme will be the name of my book Series, “Its All About Attitude”. As you know from reading this blog, I believe many large […]

Robots at Home

An emerging part of home automation includes the use of robots at home. Bilal Athar, CEO at Wifigen LLC and a home automation enthusiast, believes robots will be central to having a smart home. “A smart home should also be a clean home.”, said Athar. ECOVACS ROBOTICS is a company specializing in research and development, […]

Author Visit Supports Wayne County Libraries

“An author makes a stop in Wayne County this evening for a book signing and to spread a positive message. Author Dr. John Patrick was at the Cocoon Coffeehouse in Hawley last night. Patrick currently has four books available and each one focuses on the importance of attitude. Everything from the internet, health care, our […]

Book Party in Hawley, PA Next Thursday

Three more book parties are coming up over the next few weeks. The theme will be “Its All About Attitude”. As you know from reading this blog, I believe many large opportunities and problems in the world have their roots in attitude. I also believe the solutions and ways forward to the future are based on […]