Healthcare in the Rain

It looks like tomorrow will be a rainy day in Ridgefield. When the forecast says 100%, it is usually correct. It will be a great day to be in the cozy Ridgefield Playhouse to talk about healthcare. The event begins at 5:30 PM. The focus will be the American healthcare system. I will discuss the problems: cost, […]

Net Attitude and Health Attitude On Deck

I am very pleased to be sharing my thoughts about the future of the Internet and healthcare (Net Attitude and Health Attitude) at two events in Connecticut in early May. The first event will be on Sunday, May 1, at 5:30 PM at the Ridgefield Playhouse. The focus will be healthcare. For tickets and information, visit here. If you […]

Net Attitude Meets Health Attitude

Net Attitude is now available on Kindle in addition to paperback. Health Attitude is available in paperback, Kindle, and Audible. Net Attitude is a new version of my first book, which was published in 2001. Here is what some thought leaders had to say about the new version. “Net Attitude is a creative and useful […]