Health Attitude and Net Attitude

Net Attitude is now available on Kindle in addition to paperback. Health Attitude is available in paperback, Kindle, and Audible. Net Attitude is a new version of my first book, which was published in 2001. Here is what some thought leaders had to say about the new version.

Net Attitude is a creative and useful mix about Internet technology, every day living, and a vision of the future. It was true in 2001, and it is true today. John Patrick covers the full spectrum of communications and information in a highly pragmatic and very readable way. Patrick’s recurring theme that attitude is the ultimate differentiator between success and failure gives life to the technologies, ties them together, and makes the book a must read.”

James D. Robinson III, General Partner and co-Founder, RRE Ventures, Former Chairman and CEO, American Express Company

“John Patrick is one of my favorite thinkers.  John is one of the Web’s original wise men, a bright spirit and intellect who shares his rare understanding of technology and the web, its many dimensions and limitless potential.  In Net Attitude he lays out a clear path for anyone who is determined to succeed on the Internet and, as he demonstrates, it all begins with attitude.”

Lou Dobbs, Host, Lou Dobbs Tonight, Fox Business Network

“John Patrick remained optimistic about the Internet during and after bursting of the Internet Bubble in 2001. Now you get to read how John was right then, how he will be right again, and how you can prosper with the right ‘net attitude’.”

Bob Metcalfe, Professor of Innovation, The University of Texas at Austin

“John is a renowned Internet seer and advisor. His first book was required reading at my first web-tech company. Much of what he predicted has come to pass and his insights and outlook for the web are valid more than 10 years later. His new Net Attitude is a must read for anyone seeking to understand where the web is going.”

Chris Forbes, CEO of HireArt, former CEO or Knovel Corporation