Go Figure at CVS
Occasionally, I cannot resist posting a short example of a lack of net attitude. I usually label them Go Figure. Today, I stopped by CVS in Hawley, PA to pick up a prescription. The invitation on the counter was clear, “Pick up prescriptions with the CVS Pharmacy app.” Great idea. Net attitude, for sure. Especially […]
Are Password Managers Good or Bad? Password Hell
In my opinion, it is black and white. Password managers are a very good thing we all should use. I use 1Password to store hundreds of long, ugly, and impossible to remember passwords. It is a truly great piece of software. Wired just published an excellent article about how some websites block the use of password managers (see Websites, […]
Password Hell
I had put off the task long enough — it was time to clean up my passwords. I began using the Internet in the early 1990s and started to accumulate web logins and passwords. The first site I recall using was Weather Underground, which went live in 1993. As of August 2014, when I embarked on my […]
Healthcare Insurance Information Technology
During the open enrollment period for 2014 healthcare insurance a few months ago, my wife and I chose the AARP Medicare Rx Preferred plan offered by United Healthcare, the largest health insurance provider in America. How could we go wrong? UnitedHealthcare is an operating division of UnitedHealth Group, the largest single health carrier in the United […]
Coupons, Checks, and Envelopes
During the open enrollment period for 2014 healthcare insurance a few months ago, my wife and I chose the AARP Medicare Rx Preferred plan offered by United Healthcare, the largest health insurance provider in America. How could we go wrong? A United Healthcare unit had been chosen to fix the healthcare.gov website. They are reputed to […]