Nursing Education and Research

Yesterday, I was privileged to be the luncheon speaker at a meeting at Danbury Hospital, a unit of Western Connecticut Health Network (WCHN). The purpose of the meeting was to honor two dozen nurses who are enrolled in graduate education. Each nurse introduced herself or himself and described the research they are performing as part of […]

A Hospital With Health Attitude

Danbury Area Computer Society (DACS) is holding their monthly meeting  on Tuesday, May 5, at the Danbury Hospital Creasy Auditorium. I am privileged to be the speaker for the 23rd year. The event is open to the public. The program this year will be a bit different. I will be presenting my new book, Health Attitude: […]

Health Attitude Meets the Docs

Have questions about the book or what doctors think of our healthcare system? Come to the Danbury Hospital auditorium on Tuesday, May 5, at 6:30 PM. The evening will be part of the monthly meeting of the Danbury Area Computer Society (DACS). After a short presentation about Health Attitude, I will introduce a panel of experts from the […]

DACS 21 – Review

On May 7th, the Danbury Area Computer Society held it’s monthly meeting and it was an honor to give a talk there about The Future of Healthcare and the Internet. This was the twenty-first year that I had shared my thoughts with this fine group. The meeting was open to the public and took place in the […]

28th Annual Joseph L. Belsky, MD Research Day

Click to enlarge On May 8th I attended the Joseph L. Belsky, MD Research Day, an annual event named after Dr. Joseph L. Belsky who founded the event in 1986 at Danbury Hospital, and continues to inspire.  Dr. Ramin Ahmadi, director of graduate medical education and research (and a member of my doctoral dissertation committee) […]