Privacy And Trust – Part 4

Mention the word trust and many people immediately think of security. We hear so many negative questions about Internet security. Is it strong enough? What will happen to my credit card number? What about hackers? We would like to implement this or that application but we can’t because of ?security?. The list goes on. This […]

Privacy And Trust – Part 3

Most websites now have privacy policies and it is a good idea to read them, especially if it is a company you have not done business with before. Some privacy policies amount to "We capture data about you and we sell it or give it to anyone we choose". Other companies have a policy like […]

Too Secure?

Is it possible to be too secure? This morning I was working on a personal financial matter that required me to send some information to another person. The information was on a paper document and I did not have a machine readable version of it. I scanned the document and sent it via email as […]

Privacy And Trust – Part 1

There have been many emails about the PepperBall, but perhaps the most emotional feedback has been about my short stories on healthcare. The cry for more efficient, effective, and affordable healthcare is universal. One reader said, "I was happy to see your take on healthcare in your recent blog. This is a field where some […]