Does AI Have a Role in Cardiology?

Researchers used portable ECG devices to collect 30,000 30-second clips from patients with varying forms of arrhythmia. Does AI Have a Role in Cardiology? Written: September 2022 Radiology is the area of healthcare which stands out as a candidate to take advantage of AI. However, it is not the only area of healthcare which will […]

Solar Powered Pacemakers

A pacemaker device implanted in the abdomen or chest can control abnormal heart rhythms. Millions of people have a pacemaker and more than one million additional ones are implanted every year. Pacemakers utilize electrical impulses to assist the heart in maintaining a proper rhythm and heart rate. The small but sophisticated pacemaker devices get their power from […]

World’s Smallest Pacemaker

Medical technology marches on, it seems faster than ever. The Medtronic Micra® Transcatheter Pacing System (TPS) – the world’s smallest pacemaker – was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in April 2016.  Two electrophysiologists Jersey Shore University Medical Center implanted the device in a patient with bradycardia, a condition of slow heart rate which can […]

Healthy Aging

The Winter 2016 issue of Healthy Aging Magazine includes a story I wrote for them. It is called Go Mobile For Better Health. The article is based on a peer-reviewed journal article called How mHealth Will Spur Consumer-led Healthcare. I discussed how new smartphone devices are enabling us to gather data about our health. I espouse people […]

EMRs — The Time is Now

Electronic medical records (EMRs) are on the way, and not any too soon. The government is offering large incentives to healthcare providers to start using EMRs and for those who skip the incentive, there will be penalties to follow. Whatever you may think of the EMR, it is at our doorstep. I am not making […]