Obamacare and Healthcare Technology Startups

As I wrote in “Political Debates: Little Substance About Healthcare“, I had hoped to hear a lot of substance about healthcare reform during the political debates this year. So far, there has little substance. I doubt if any of the candidates in either party know what is in the ten parts of Obamacare, the Patient […]

Political Debates: Little Substance About Healthcare

The debates go on and little of substance is discussed about healthcare. I doubt if any of the candidates in either party know what is in the ten parts of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010. In Health Attitude, I wrote a non-partisan analysis. The ACA has some good things and some bad […]

Maria Asks Good Questions

Maria Bartiromo knows how to ask good questions, as Republican candidates learned at last night’s debate. It should come as no surprise she would be articulate. Maria is a television journalist, magazine columnist, and author of three books. She worked at CNN for five years and then CNBC for 20 years. She joined FOX Business Network (FBN) as […]

Health Attitude on Fox Business

It was a nice brisk walk at 6 AM for six blocks from the Hilton to News Corp headquarters on the Avenue of the Americas. The makeup artist did the best she could do with what she had to work with. I walked onto the set knowing I would have less than five minutes to […]

Why is health care so expensive?

As published in the Danbury News-Times and newstimes.com on Sunday, October 18, 2015 There are numerous factors contributing to our high health care cost, including unnecessary tests and procedures, the high cost of drugs, fraud, lack of tort reform, inefficiency, and lack of standards. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), signed into law […]