 +1 386-243-9402 MON – FRI : 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

Marvelous Mozart

There are so many wonderful composers in the world, but Mozart remains my favorite. The Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra planned a “Marvelous Mozart II” concert for Saturday night at the Ridgefield Playhouse. The “II” is because they did the same thing last year (see favorite concerts page). The “planned” is because Mother Nature intervened in a […]

Conducting Mozart – part 5 (reviews)

The conducting lessons and the concert are over but I will cherish the experience for the rest of my life. I walked off the stage in a euphoric and exhilarating state. Friends and family offered their praise but I knew of things I could have done better. I was thrilled with the praise but could […]

Conducting Mozart – part 4 (finale)

The conducting lessons with Maestro Sidney Rothstein were over. He had taught me a lot in a short time and was about ready to push me out of the nest to raise the baton and conduct. The first rehearsal broke the ice and I realized it was actually possible for me to conduct not just […]

Conducting Mozart – part 3

Yesterday was my third conducting lesson, thanks to Maestro Sidney Rothstein. He pronounced me as “acceptable”; i.e. that I had learned enough about conducting to not embarrass myself and the orchestra. He magnanimously offered me many great suggestions for how to improve my technique and add more expression to the conducting. Earlier tonight was my […]

Conducting Mozart – part 2

The Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra seems to get better each year thanks to the outstanding leadership of Sidney Rothstein, music director, and Sabina Slavin, president. I included some information about Saturday night’s concert (10-26-2002) in “my favorite concerts” list but I couldn’t begin to do justice in describing it. See a complete review by Courtenay Caublé […]