Holiday Attitude With Home Attitude

  Home Attitude is doing well with six 5-star reviews now on Amazon. Sales of Home Attitude are 55/45 print/Kindle, but with the introductory price of $4.49, I expect the Kindle version to pull ahead. The 24 figures/pictures and 12 tables throughout the book are rendered very nicely on the Kindle screen. All four Attitude books are now […]

Christmas Attitude With Home Attitude

I am combining a Christmas attitude with Home Attitude. For a limited time, the Kindle version of Home Attitude is available on Amazon for $4.49. You can click on the box on the right side of the Amazon page where it says, “Give as a Gift for $4.49“.  Amazon will ask for your friend or […]


The image is square for a reason. It is not a book cover, it represents the Audible version of the book. About 20 years ago, I sat next to Don Katz, Founder and CEO of Audible, at a technology conference. I remember how bullish he was about audio books. Most people were skeptical at the time […]

Health Attitude on Audible and iTunes

I am very pleased to announce audio versions of Health Attitude. It was a pleasure to work with John Edmondson, an outstanding narrator. You will find him pleasant to listen to — not too fast, not too slow. You can listen to a sample of the book here. If you would like to do an unbiased review […]

E-Books From Your Local Library

Libraries are trying their best to make borrowing e-books convenient, but publishers are not making it easy. See E-Books Are Easier to Borrow, Just Be Prepared to Wait. The New York Times story said that e-book borrowing is preceded by e-book waiting. I decided to take a look a virtual visit to the library in Ridgefield, […]