 +1 386-243-9402 MON – FRI : 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

Voter Fraud – The Silver Lining

Numerous stories have appeared in the media about some aspect of our voting system. Politicians who did not win usually question the accuracy of the voting system or suggest they lost due to fraud. The President suggested there were millions of fraudulent votes in 2016. Although I do not believe there was any significant voter fraud, […]

E-stethoscope for Telehealth

Telehealth is really catching on. Some consumers are changing their family physician to one who offers telehealth. The driver is the big C, convenience. Driving to sit in a waiting room (usually with no WiFi) is such a waste of time for many. Grandparents who chat with distant grandchildren with Skype or FaceTime now realize they could see […]

Augmented Reality for Anatomy

In April 1996, I posted a story here about the Visible Human Project. A prisoner in Texas spent his life as a drug abuser, alcoholic, robber and killer. In 1993 the state of Texas injected him with lethal chemicals and took his life away. Through a federally funded project built from a prisoner who had willed […]

Time Released Drugs

Like millions of Americans, I have rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in my fingers. An excellent rheumatologist has prescribed various treatments with mixed results. RA tends to be most troublesome in the mornings. The medication that has eliminated morning pain and swelling is called Rayos. Rayos is mostly prednisone, a commonly used synthetic corticosteroid drug. What is unique […]

Voter ID and Voting Rights

In Election Attitude – How Internet Voting Leads to a Stronger Democracy, I wrote about voter registration. There have been multiple bills to make it easier to register to vote and multiple bills to make it harder. In this post, I offer a point of view on this. It is not intended to be political. […]