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AI in Healthcare – Part 3

AI in Healthcare – Part 3 This will be my last article about the mini-series “AI in Healthcare”. In “Ai in Healthcare – Part 2”, I focused on radiology and drug development. I will now wrap up the series with impacts closer to patients and healthcare workers.  In personalized medicine, AI can analyze a patient’s […]

AI in Healthcare – Part 2

AI in Healthcare – Part 2 As I mentioned in “AI in Healthcare – Part 1”, the use of AI in healthcare has roots going back into the 1950s alongside the development of the field of AI itself. Progress was limited for decades, but now things have changed dramatically. A handful of factors ignited the […]

AI in Healthcare – Part 1

AI in Healthcare – Part 1 After I finished my doctorate in health administration (at age 69), I wrote Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare, a book on what I had learned about the American healthcare system. That was 2015. Since then, there have been medical advances, but in my opinion, the […]

AI for Our Emotions

AI for Our Emotions Video cameras and face recognition have been around for a very long time. The 1920s witnessed the birth of the first mechanical video cameras, using spinning disks with light-sensitive elements to capture and project moving images. The 1930s ushered in the era of electronic video cameras with Vladimir Zworykin’s invention of […]

How Can AI Assist a Writer or Editor? By John R. Patrick

How Can AI Assist a Writer or Editor? By John R. Patrick This week, I read an interesting interview in HealthcareITNews titled “Siemens Healthineers digital chief on what ChatGPT and other AI might mean for healthcare”. I decided to try an experiment. The interview was approximately 1,500 words. I used chatGPT and, after pasting the […]