 +1 386-243-9402 MON – FRI : 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

TiVo is on a roll with results for its latest quarter showing revenue of $28.5 million. The number of subscribers continued to soar with the total now over 700,000. That was a growth of 79,000 in the quarter. The numbers are still small but as more and more people get TiVo and tell their friends about it, the growth is accelerating. TiVo anticipates reaching the one million mark by the end of January. The only shortcoming to TiVo from my perspective is that it has no option to skip advertisements completely. The fast is nice but it is not precise; i.e. I usually find myself going to far or not far enough and then wasting time getting to the right spot. What would be *really* nice would be to be able to just select an option for *no* advertisements or even selectively picking those you don’t want to see. Then you could start watching a news program at 6:15 PM instead of 6 PM and not miss any of the content. If you have already refinanced your mortgage and are satisfied with your stockbroker, why do you need to hear the mindless, monotonous, droning advertisements from Ditech.com and ScotTrade?