Christmas Tree

The Ghost Of Christmas, Yet to Come

(Read to the tune of “Twas the Night Before Christmas”)

by Dr. David Kramer
December 6, 2007

Twas a month before Christmas, and all through the boardroom,
The Directors were dreaming of how their hospital might bloom.
SG2 data presented, their retreat well behind them,
A “vision” was requested to make the hospital shine like a gem.

They asked themselves questions like: “How many more beds?”
While visions of green arrows on report cards danced in their heads.
Dr. Miller chimed in on the need for Performance Improvement,
While Ray Boa sought policies to ensure safety for each lady and gent.

And Nell in his bowtie, and I in my white coaL
Had just settled down to discuss our own vote.
When out by Syl’s desk there arose such a clatter
We sprang from the table to see what was the matter.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Harley, an IPhone, and eight techies with gear!
With a bearded driver so lively and quick
I knew in a moment it must be John Patrick!

More rapid than eagles, his programs they came
And he whistled and shouted and called them by name!
“1Jow Sorian, Now All-Scripts! Now install this one by GE!
Turn on Nextgen, on Stentor, and don’t forget CPOE”
Then off to the 01′ Medical Arts Building to respond to a call
Before they crash away, crash away, crash away aill”

And back in the boardroom John Murphy is keeping everything civil
While Mike Hammond gets creative with paying our Ridgefield bill
Then Gail reminds us it’s all about delivering quality care
When from across the room came the familiar voice of a bear:

“Zero tolerance is what it will take to turn boys into men!”
Yep, our ombudsman, SpongeBob, was at it again.
“We must demand accountability, to me it would seem,
Perhaps by 2020 we’ll know what that means!”

By 2020 research will flow from Tower 1through Tower 2
And our own residency program will be respected for all that they do.
In fact all our docs work well together, and that’s no B.S.,
But don’t forget it’s 2020 and they all work for DOPS.

Yes our future seems bright, as long as we remain creative,
And never lose sight that it’s to the Danbury Community we give.
While it may seem parochial and even “old school,”
It’s our small town feel that Will make us a jewel.

On a foundation of leading edge technology
we will have made our stand,
Yet we’ll still be known as the hospital that values…
the touch of a hand.