 +1 386-243-9402 MON – FRI : 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

From time to time I feel a need to offer a technical update about things behind the scenes at my website. For those who are interested in music, motorcycles, or the big picture of where I see things going with the Internet, just ignore the updates. For those interested in the technical happenings, the updates are my way of sharing what is going on. Thanks to David Leip at IBM for reminding me to update my blogging setup. I now have two RSS feeds to the blogsphere. One feed is compatible with the Radio Userland blogging software which I was previously using and the other with my new blogging software which is Movable Type. This means that readers who subscribed using the prior feed will continue to get updates. Thanks also to Brenna Koch at Six Apart for helping me make the changes.