 +1 386-243-9402 MON – FRI : 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

iPhone 6 Plus- Initial Review

The iPhone 6 Plus finished the journey from from ZhengZhou, China to Incheon, Korea; Anchorage; Louisville, Jamaica, NY; Windsor Locks, CT; Brookfield, CT; and on to my home in Ridgefield for an 11 am delivery. As usual with Apple products, the setup was a breeze. I took it out of the box, turned it on, went through the […]

iPhone 6 Plus – Part 3

The iPhone 6 Plus made it to Windsor Locks, CT this evening. Looks like there will be an on-time delivery sometime tomorrow. In the meantime, there is quite a bit of chatter about the bending of iPhones. Hard to tell if this is real or acts of photoshop. It it is real, then my thoughts are that […]

iPhone 6 Plus – Part 2

The iPhone 6 Plus continued during the past 24 hours to move like a checker across the board from Incheon, Korea to Anchorage, Alaska, to Louisville, Kentucky. Delivery was committed by end of day on Thursday, but perhaps I will get lucky and receive it tomorrow.

iPhone 6 Plus

The first pleasure of each iPhone is to watch the logistical system in action.  I ordered the iPhone 6 Plus at four AM on September 12.  It shipped from ZhengZhou, China eight days later, and then moved today to Incheon, Korea. I’ll post the subsequent moves during the week. I am looking forward to holding the […]

iPhone 5 — Week 1

The first pleasure of each iPhone is to watch the logistical system in action.  I ordered the iPhone 5 at six AM on September 14.  It shipped from ZhengZhou, China eight days later, and then progressed like a checker across the board to Incheon, Korea; Anchorage; Louisville, Jamaica, NY; Windor Locks, CT; Brookfield, CT; and on to Ridgefield […]