How Do We Stop the Hackers?
Written: December 16, 2021 Major information technology (IT) breaches are becoming a daily occurrence. The news coverage has centered on hacking and hackers. The bigger story, in my opinion, is the failure of government and business leaders to prevent the hacking. The news coverage at times makes it sound like the problem is the […]
Who Is Responsible For Hacker Problems?
The latest major information technology (IT) breach is outrageous. The news coverage has centered on the hackers and ransomeware. The bigger story, in my opinion, is the incompetence of Colonial Pipeline. It got major coverage because of the key dependence of the eastern coast of America for gasoline. I hear people saying the problem is […]
Password Resolution
One of my friends had his AOL account hacked this week. Unfortunately, I have had many friends to whom this has happened. Some people say it is weak security at AOL, but most experts would say the problem is a weak and or old password. Make a New Year’s Resolution to get a password manager […]
Making Voting Easy is Scaring the Life Out of Security Experts
Apollo 11 was the spaceflight which landed the first two humans on the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo Lunar Module, Eagle, on July 20, 1969. Armstrong became the first person to step onto the lunar surface six hours later, and Aldrin joined him 19 minutes later. The two astronauts spent about two and a quarter hours […]
Finding a Security Flaw in Internet Voting is a Good Thing
Swiss law guarantees that every Swiss citizen has the right to vote, whether or not they currently live in the country. Overseas citizens have previously pushed for e-voting, arguing that postal methods are frequently delayed, making them unreliable. Votes are also a much more common occurrence in Switzerland, whose system of direct democracy calls for […]