Drug Makers Putting Profit Before The Elderly

The Medpage Today staff reported this week on a CNN investigation of Nuedexta, a drug approved for PseudoBulbar Affect (PBA). The investigation found PBA is being marketed aggressively to the elderly as a therapy for dementia. Even though independent studies indicate PBA is only rarely associated with dementia, Avanir, the drug’s manufacturer, has spent millions of dollars promoting […]

Why Are Drugs So Expensive?

Currently, the fastest growing cost in healthcare is coming from double-digit growth in the cost of drugs. The cost of drugs is a significant burden for millions of Americans. Some believe the root cause is greed, but I believe the root cause comes from Congress. When the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan was passed […]

Are Drugs Too Expensive?

The subject of drug prices is making the news much more frequently. An opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal this week pointed out drugs are only 10% of the cost of American healthcare. My research indicated it was closer to 15%, but even at 10%, the cost approaches $400 billion. The article was written by […]

Are Pills Priced Right?

A Wall Street Journal story on Friday morning was called New Push Ties Cost of Drugs to Effectiveness. Sounds similar to pay for performance. What a novel idea. It continues to amaze me how far behind healthcare is compared to other industries. In Health Attitude, I wrote about how Congress precluded Medicare from negotiating with the pharmaceutical […]