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How Can Nanotechnology Detect Heart Health?

Pop-up electronic sensors detect malfunctioning cells  How Can Nanotechnology Detect Heart Health? Written: March 2022 Research in science and healthcare is increasingly performed at a nanotechnology level, a fast-growing area. Nanotechnology, often called nanotech, exploits the very smallest components of our world, atoms and molecules. Nano is short for nanometer. The word nano comes from […]

Nanomachines May Deliver Drugs and Destroy Diseased Cells

Nanotechnology is advancing across many aspects of science, engineering, and medicine. I am particularly impressed with what researchers at Rice University are doing. They have developed nanomotors which are incredibly small. The motors can spin at 2-3 million rotations per second. The size of the motors is mind-boggling, 50,000 of them side by side fill […]

Artificial Kidney Made from Nanofilters

At Vanderbilt University scientists are building an artificial kidney. The scientists envision the device will become the standard of care and eliminate traditional dialysis. The prototype device was made using a silicon nanotechnology filter chip, embedded living kidney cells, and 3-D printing.  The chips and cells work together to mimic the functions of a healthy kidney. The breakthrough device will be […]

Nanomotors In Our Bodies?

Nanobots traveling in the bloodstream of humans is hard to visualize, but it is likely to be an important part of healthcare in the future. A complimentary technology has been announced by the University of Texas at Austin. UT engineers there claim to have built the “smallest, fastest, and longest-running synthetic motors ever created”. The nanomotora are less than […]

Artificial Skin

A breakthrough by a team of scientists at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel could lead to “artificial skin” that senses touch, humidity, and temperature. Kevin Hattori reported the story at The American Technion Society web site. This is just one more step closer to the merger between biological and non-biological beings — but that is a longer […]