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Tracking Cancer Cells With a Nano Cocktail

I have no scientific basis to substantiate this, but it seems that advances in healthcare during the next 10 years will surpass what has occurred during the past 100 years. Consumer devices such as the Fitbit are the tip of the iceberg that will lead to massive amounts of epidemiologic data being collected by consumers that will […]

Nanomachines May Deliver Drugs and Destroy Diseased Cells

Nanotechnology is advancing across many aspects of science, engineering, and medicine. I am particularly impressed with what researchers at Rice University are doing. They have developed nanomotors which are incredibly small. The motors can spin at 2-3 million rotations per second. The size of the motors is mind-boggling, 50,000 of them side by side fill […]

Nanomotors In Our Bodies?

Nanobots traveling in the bloodstream of humans is hard to visualize, but it is likely to be an important part of healthcare in the future. A complimentary technology has been announced by the University of Texas at Austin. UT engineers there claim to have built the “smallest, fastest, and longest-running synthetic motors ever created”. The nanomotora are less than […]