Medical School

One of the many current myths about healthcare is that “nobody wants to be a doctor” because of the various regulatory and economic restraints in the United States. As a result, some believe, there will be a large deficit of physicians to care for the impending addition of tens of millions of uninsured people. The […]

Doctor Shortage or Surplus

One of the issues confronting the health care system in America is the impending addition of tens of millions of uninsured people. Medscape Today has a very interesting three-minute video by Dr. Eric Topol, author of The Creative Destruction of Medicine, about whether our nation is on the verge of a healthcare provider shortage, or whether […]

Patient-centered Medical Home

The health care system of today is based on an entitlement-oriented fee for services model. Providers feel entitled to be reimbursed for the services they provide. The more services they provide, the more reimbursement they receive. The payers–both government and insurance companies–have not yet provided sufficient incentive to providers to shift the focus to health […]