The Positive Potential of the Internet

There has been plenty of bad news about the Internet lately. Big tech spying on us, fake news, etc. I am optimistic these issues will get resolved, although it will take time. Meanwhile, there are a lot of good things happening in the world of the Internet and big tech. On election day we had […]

Falling in the Hospital

Most seniors fear falling more than disease. Hospitals fear falls also. Between 700,000 and 1 million patients fall in hospitals each year, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.[i] Most patients who fall are not seriously injured, but the cost of one-third of falls resulting in a serious fall-related injury is more than […]

Big Changes Coming to Healthcare

Last week, the new Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary, Alex Azar, said, “Change is possible, change is necessary, and change is coming.” I hope so. Change is desperately needed. It remains to be seen if the federal government can make the changes needed and make them fast enough. The biggest barrier is Congress. HHS […]

Healthcare Cost

We hear a lot about high health insurance premiums. Some of the high premiums have to do with the inefficiency of the health insurance industry, as written here last week. The basic reason for high premiums, however, is the high cost of healthcare. If you have a Ferrari, your insurance will be higher than if […]

Disrupting Healthcare

The State of the Union topics about tax reform, jobs, immigration, and infrastructure are all important, but what about healthcare? Healthcare represents nearly 20% of our economy, people are going bankrupt or dying because of the cost of drugs, basic healthcare is unaffordable for millions, and we are the only developed country in the world […]