Apple’s Staggering Numbers

Apple’s earnings report this week included a lot of staggering numbers. The company will soon be the first company ever to be valued by the market at one trillion dollars. (Amazon and Google are not far behind). Skeptics have questioned whether the company could continue to grow rapidly, if at all. As written here many […]

Apple iPhone X

UPS tracking shows the iPhone X is in Brookfield, Connecticut after arriving from Windsor Locks, Connecticut. Before that the iPhone was in Louisville, KY. Before that the iphone was in Anchorage, Alaska, where it arrived from Shanghai,  China having come from ZhengZhou,  China, two cities with a combined population of 35 million. I marvel at how […]

Apple Face Recognition

As usual, the Apple Keynote, which introduced the new Apple Watch, Apple TV, iPhone 8, iPhone 8+, and the iPhone X was done with great marketing aplomb. Apple executives acted like a great team and executed their usual: Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told […]