Tesla Miles Per Gallon
Thanks to my friend Dan in California for posing a question about my Tesla Supercharger story last week. He asked, “So how do youn calculate mpg when there is no G?” Good question. The following is from the window sticker of my Model S. The government calls it MPGe, with the e standing for equivalent. […]
The Emergence of Solar Trees
This is an elegant solution to a very real problem, the large amount of space required for solar panels. Daljit Singh Bedi, chief scientist at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in New Delhi said that the solar tree utilizes about 43 square feet of space to produce energy which would require 100 times that space. The […]
The New MacBook Pro
Microsoft this week displayed a stark contrast in their marketing strategy versus Apple. With great fanfare Microsoft announced their new tablet computer called the Surface. CNET described it as an “attempted market freeze” (See Microsoft attempts market freeze with Surface preview). The reason for the CNET commentary is that the Surface was announced with fanfare, […]
The Future Is More Than Facebook
The frenzy over Facebook is unprecedented. There are many interesting dimensions to the story; the most interesting to me, is how the insiders are upping the number of shares they plan to unload on the public. This does not give one confidence — that those with the most information have decided to reduce their long-term […]
Spectacular High-Res Image of Earth
The iPhone 4S takes great pictures, but nothing like this spectacular high-hes image of Earth. NASA Goddard oceanographer Norman Kuring gathered images from six different orbits of the satellite over an eight hour period last month. He stitched the six photos together to create the final masterpiece. I suspect it will be famous. The images […]