Robots At Home
Robots will take on a much wider and more significant role in home healthcare than in surgery. Giraff Plus is a European healthcare project aiming to combine social interaction and long-term monitoring to help people live independently. The Giraff is a home-resident robot specifically designed to take care of the elderly. The robot looks like […]
Signs of Intelligent Life in the Senate
Medicare has reimbursed for telehealth for some years, but only for remote areas of the country. The theory was telehealth was only good for people who are many miles from the nearest healthcare provider. As I discussed in Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare, telehealth is a good tool for anyone who […]
Can Texting Boost Medication Adherence
One out of two Americans has a chronic illness. One out of four has two or more chronic illnesses. Chronic illness accounts for half of all deaths, and represents 75% of American healthcare cost. One of the challenges of treating the chronically ill is medication adherence. When people don’t take prescribed medications, the cost of […]
Electronic Clothing
An international team of researchers believe graphene, the miraculous material set to change the world, will become part of the clothing we wear. No more bulky smart watches, phones, and music players hanging from our clothes. These things will be woven into our clothes. Research is beginning to show the potential to weave fitness, entertainment, GPS systems, […]
Giraff Plus
Conventional wisdom points to a shortage of nurses in healthcare. The number of elderly is climbing and so is the number of retiring nurses. The Wall Street Journal this morning reported that one percent of chronically ill patients consume 22% of healthcare expenditures. Elderly patients get shuffled back and forth to multiple providers resulting in […]