Growing An Ear On A Forearm With Autologous Cartilage

This story may seem unbelievable at first, but it is true. A 21-year-old Army soldier was in a car accident which caused her severe bodily harm. In addition to numerous wounds, her ear was severed. Army plastic surgeons did an amazing total ear reconstruction. They harvested cartilage from the soldier’s ribs. Then they carved a new […]

Clinical Trials for Stem Cell-based Cartilage Underway

One subject among my weekly e-briefs which consistently generates a lot of feedback is related to knees. One thing baby boomers have in common is the need for joint replacements. The number of hip and knee replacements in the U.S. is roughly one million per year, 2/3 of which are knees. Over the years ahead, projections […]

3D-Printable Knees

One subject among my weekly e-briefs which consistently generates a lot of feedback is knees. One thing baby boomers have in common is the need for joint replacements. The number of hip and knee replacements in the U.S. is roughly one million per year, 2/3 of which are knees. Over the years ahead, projections indicate there […]

Cartilage From Mouth To Knees?

Researchers at Columbia College of Dental Medicine have been working to develop a treatment for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. The TMJ acts like a sliding hinge connecting your jawbone to your skull. You have one joint on each side of your jaw. TMJ disorders can cause extreme pain in your jaw joint and in the muscles […]

Pluripotent Stem Cells

Embryonic stem cells have faced controversy for years. Less well known are adult stem cells found in various tissues. Of particular interest are pluripotent adult stem cells. These stem cells can differentiate themselves under certain conditions to transform into different cell types such as skin, muscle, bone, etc. The potential benefits of being able to […]