Power FailureI was really looking forward to the interview with Sanjog Aul on the AVVAL Internet radio talk show. We were just getting warmed up and starting into a discussion about blogging when the line dropped. Sanjog and I are both embarrassed and apologize to all the listeners. The talkshow was being produced by BusinessAmerica Radio, a SurfNet® Media Group, Inc. station located in Tempe, Arizona. The station engineer called me and said that someone had driven a truck into a power transformer and knocked out electricity across a large area.
BusinessAmerica Radio claims to be the industry leader in Internet-based business talk radio with the highest quality programming on the Internet, broadcast in near FM fidelity. A few listeners sent me IM’s saying the sound quality was great — for the ten minutes the interview lasted. The station has emergency power generation for the servers that broadcast prior shows but no backup for their live shows. Go figure. The interview will be rescheduled once Sanjog and I are both comfortable that the broadcast service has their act together.