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Cape HornWe just turned north after rounding Cape Horn, near the bottom of the Earth. Less than four hundred years ago, people still thought the world was flat and that ships would "fall off" the globe if they went too far. Once that belief was shattered, mariners headed out onto the oceans, many seeking passage around the South American continent. Magellan navigated a passage through a complicated series of channels at what was then thought to be the most southern part of the continent, but in 1615 two brothers from Holland discovered Cape Horn, truly the southern most land mass of the continent. We were fortunate that the weather allowed us to see the full expanse of the region. Often the famous rough seas prevent this. The next stop will be the Falkland Islands and then on to Bueons Aires.
After traveling through the Magellan Straight, a good part of the day was spent in Ushuaia. It is the southern most city in the world and almost seven thousand miles from New York. Prior to that was the Fjords of Chile. There are many pictures and links to share but that will have to wait until I get back. This posting was made from a WiFi connection and satellite link from an onboard Internet Cafe.