 +1 386-243-9402 MON – FRI : 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM


Larry Augustin, CEO, Medsphere Systems
Mitchell Baker, President & Chief Lizard Wrangler, Mozilla Foundation
John Seely Brown, Visiting Scholar, USC Annenberg School for Communcation
Scott Charney, VP, Trustworthy Computing, Microsoft
Carol Diamond, Managing Director, Health Program, Markle Foundation
Charles Digate, CEO, Convoq
Johannes Ernst, CEO, NetMesh
Howard Gardner, Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education
John Hagel, Consultant & Author, John Hagel & Associates
Jeff Hawkins, Chairman & Executive Director, Redwood Neuroscience Institute
Bruce Holmes, Director, Strategic Partnerships, Planning and Management, NASA Langley Research Center
Steve Johnson, CEO, ChoiceStream
Caroline Kovac, General Manager, Healthcare and Life Sciences, IBM
Dawn Lepore, Chairman & CEO, drugstore.com
Emily Levine, Speaker, Comedian & Epiphany Provider, Emily Levine’s Universe
Ann Livermore, Executive VP, Technology Solutions Group, Hewlett-Packard
Udi Manber, CEO, A9.com
Marissa Mayer, Director, Consumer Web Products, Google
Anne Mulcahy, Chairman & CEO, Xerox
Kim Polese, President & CEO, SpikeSource
Alain Rappaport, Founder & CEO, Medstory
Lonny Reisman, CEO, ActiveHealth Management
Jonathan Schwartz, President & COO, Sun Microsystems
Richard Schwartz, President & CEO, SoloMio
Andrew Stern, President, Service Employees International Union
John Thompson, Chairman & CEO, Symantec
Jayshree Ullal, Senior VP & General Manager, Security Technology Group, Cisco Systems
Arkady Volozh, CEO, Yandex
Steve Ward, CEO-designate, Lenovo & VP, IBM
Jerry Yang, Co-founder, Director & Chief Yahoo, Yahoo!
Stanley Zdonik, Chief Architect, StreamBase Systems

World Wide World: IT ain’t just the Web anymore!

The World Wide World of the Web is now extending beyond IT. We’re expecting IT to solve real-world problems, even as real-world problems affect our use of IT.
IT is helping to solve social problems (medicine, education, security) as well as business challenges (supply-chain management, customer relations, sales and marketing, regulatory compliance). But we need to solve real-world problems in order to use IT – many of them the same ones that IT can help solve: education, employee motivation, health-care costs, economic dislocations and the like. How is IT changing real-world business models? For example, how do the technologies and policies applied to the business of tracking terrorists – matching identities, but also auditing the use of sensitive information and keeping it secure – apply to health care? And what’s different, given that patients should be in control of their own information – while the same does not apply to terrorists! Should Google or Yahoo! be storing your medical records under your control – instead of some hospital with a vested interest in maintaining you as a cust… er, patient?
There’s also an increasing amount of real-time information about what’s going on in the physical world – RFID data about supply chains, location data about individuals and the places they might visit (if an advertiser can reach them), and more. How can businesses and individuals make use of this data? And who should control its use?
At PC Forum, IT leaders and business leaders – and specifically you – will have the chance to share and challenge one another’s assumptions about what works in the real world. IT alone isn’t enough: More and more of the value of IT depends on how customers make use of it.
We’ll also assess corporate IT initiatives, as users strive to differentiate themselves with custom software to create strategic advantage. Where does that leave traditional business application vendors? What licensing and sales models work in a wide world where competitive advantage is fleeting and good ideas are rarely protectable? In our increasingly friction-free world, good ideas don’t differentiate you for long. How can non-IT businesses use IT more effectively to serve their customers, and to differentiate themselves? Marketing partnerships are available with almost anyone for a price: Do you want to reach consumers through Yahoo! or Google? Salesforces through SAP or Salesforce.com or HP?