This evening I received a simple email from a person at a major global bank. It read….

“John, can you please forward to me a copy of your presentation that you presented at the IBM Conference in Paris. Much appreciated”.

Appended at the end of the email was the following….

“The information contained in this email communication may be confidential. You should only read, disclose, re-transmit, copy, distribute, act in reliance on or commercialise the information if you are authorised to do so. If you are not the intended recipient of this email communication, please notify us immediately by email to or reply by email direct to the sender and then destroy any electronic or paper copy of this message. Any views expressed in this email communication are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of a member of the Big Bank. The Big Bank does not represent, warrant or guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been maintained nor that the communication is free of errors, virus or interference.”

Here is the summary of the email content….

Meaningful communication: 109 characters – 14% of total

Legal mumbo-jumbo: 677 characters – 86%

From my point of view the legal disclaimer from this company is the equivalent of spam — unwanted spurious communication.