 +1 386-243-9402 MON – FRI : 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

ToolboxInnovation is alive and well.
This is not new and it is global and is very much European.
There are many examples.


  • Building of Zaragoza by Romans 2,000 years ago
  • Scanning Tunneling Microscope
    •  Dr. Gerd Binnig (German) and Dr. Heinrich Rohrer (Swiss) at IBM Research in 1986
    •  Nobel prize winners
    •  Set the stage for nanotechnology
  • World Wide Web at CERN in 1989
  • Formation of Opera Software in 1994
  • The Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
    •  Being built at CERN near Geneva
    •  Largest scientific instrument on the planet
    •  Begins operations in 2007
    •  Will produce roughly 15 Petabytes (15 million Gigabytes) of data annually
    •  5000 scientists in some 500 research institutes and universities worldwide
    •  Mission of the LHC Computing Project (LCG) is to build and maintain a data storage and analysis infrastructure
    •  For the entire high energy physics community that will use the LHC.
  • CERN openlab
    •  Collaboration between CERN and industrial partners
    •  Develop data-intensive Grid solutions
    •  To be used by the worldwide community of scientists working at the LHC
    •  Data – several million gigabytes a year
    •  Computing environment thousands of times more powerful
  • The Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) project
    •  Funded by the European Commission
    •  Aims to build on recent advances in grid technology
    •  A service grid infrastructure which is available to scientists 24 hours-a-day
    •  The Drug Discovery application running on EGEE aims to find potential new drugs to combat malaria
    •  Healthcare@Home
    •  e-diamond

Although not new, we must change the way we innovate

  • More open
    •  Most innovations of the current century were developed in relative isolation
    •  Age of transparency is here
    •  First generation of digital children
    •  Not as many secrets as there used to be
    •  More openness leads to more competitiveness
    •  Compete on execution and customer service
  • Standards based
    •  Zebra printer example
    •  2 kilo laptop; 5 kilos of phone and power adapters
    •  Cars with different steering and trains with different sized tracks
    •  XML Espanol; XML Deutsch
    •  Proprietary is a thing of the past
    •  Adopt open standards and compete on execution and customer service
  • More collaborative
    •  Silos need to go away
    •  The more we share, the more we gain
    •  Gamers are leading the way: butterfly.net
    •  Borrow a kid and learn from them
  • More global
    •  The best ideas can come from anywhere
    •  Key is to act on them; not necessarily to own them
    •  Chinese idea, Romanian developers, American capital, German company, Scandinavian marketing
  • Inside Out instead of Outside in
    •  Power to the people
    •  The Internet has transferred power. Walk in their shoes.
    •  Ever get the feeling that some web sites are designed for the needs of the organization not the user?

Role of government?

  • Can help but can’t stop
  • Expo 2008 and ZH2O good examples of European governments leading
  • LHC and eGee funded by EU