IBM LogoThe month of December was a month, as usual for IBM, filled with a slew of announcements in hardware, software, services, acquisitions, and strategic alliances. The list of announcements made during the month is below and the complete index of IBM Happenings (by year and month) is here.

List of Announcements for December 2008

IBM, Harvard launch solar cell research project

IBM and researchers from Harvard University are launching a new World Community Grid project to discover organic materials to create a more efficient and lower cost solar cell.

IBM seminar to explore the future of U.S. healthcare

IBM will host a Web seminar to explore how the Obama presidency could impact the future of Healthcare in the United States.

“Smarter” food systems needed to improve food safety

As the world has become more globally connected, the systems to produce, transport and process food have become complex and inefficient, according to IBM.

IBM survey reveals erosion of trust in food retailers

The study, titled “Full Value Traceability,” examines Chinese consumer values and confidence related to food and product safety.

IBM launches the Strategic Investment Management Blueprint

The Strategic Investment Management Blueprint blends software and services together, providing the tools necessary to improve strategic investment management and decision support.

Media-Saturn to outsource its data centers to IBM

The contract includes the complete outsourcing of the data centers at Media-Saturn’s locations in Ingolstadt and Munich, which have been operated centrally up to now.

IBM World Community Grid rice project yields results

The project between IBM and the University of Washington to develop new strains of rice is now set to analyze data on the genes — three months ahead of schedule.

IBM explores need for smarter IT

Information technology is in need of an intelligence makeover, according to experts in a new podcast featured on the Building a Smarter Planet blog from IBM.

New initiative increases value from software investments

IBM announced new software, enabled by Jazz, that helps companies balance the rising cost of IT operations with the need to generate results with fewer resources.

UK Border Agency, IBM form partnership

The UK Border Agency has signed IBM as the Strategic Systems Integration Partner for its Immigration Case Work Program.

IBM helps Highmark optimize data center

By identifying cooling and electrical usage trends, IBM has helped to transform Highmark’s energy-efficient data center by reducing excessive operational costs.

Madhav Nagrik Sahakari Bank signs outsourcing agreement

IBM announced a five-year IT outsourcing agreement with Madhav Nagrik Sahakari Bank, one of the leading co-operative banks in the state of Rajasthan in India.