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I started writing the book in the summer of 2000 and submitted the manuscript to Perseus Publishing around the end of March 2001. Memorial Day weekend was spent going over the hardcopy manuscript that the publishers copy editor had marked up with grammatical fixes and suggested changes. Being an electrical engineer by original training I cant say that English has been one of my strengths but hopefully I have learned how to communicate effectively over the years. I really appreciated the copy editor enhancing the book by taking the time to catch every comma, semicolon, and misstated word. At this stage the book had been converted to some proprietary electronic format that I dont understand. The next version of the manuscript, which I received just before the fourth of July, had the pages marked up with the final page design including page numbers, titles, and shadowing of the Reflections. I read through the book as carefully as I could and caught a number of errors and minor things to clarify. As far as I know the book is totally out of my hands now. I believe the current schedule is for the book to be printed in late September and then begin to show up in retail channels in October.