 +1 386-243-9402 MON – FRI : 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

There has been a lot of feedback about the "Accident" story. It was all of the nature of "I can top that one!". Here is what one reader had to say…
"AMEN!!! Having just had to choose a new health plan and wade through the details of co-pays and deductibles, I have come to the conclusion that our health insurance system is fatally flawed (and rigged against the patient). I would love to see a calculation of what percentage of policy holders’ legitimate health costs are actually properly reimbursed. I for one only fill out the paperwork for a fraction of the expenses I should claim. And when I do, there is a 20-25% chance that they will be rejected, so that I have to call and complain, after which I get the money".
He went on to say, "The bottom line is Americans spend almost twice as much money on health care as other countries and yet people are getting fatter, more sedentary, and less and less healthy–and more and more of my friends are undergoing invasive medical procedures which turn out to have been unnecessary or, even worse, harmful".