 +1 386-243-9402 MON – FRI : 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

Fox Business Studio Set

It was a nice brisk walk at 6 AM on November 2, 2015 for six blocks from the Hilton to News Corp headquarters on the Avenue of the Americas. The makeup artist did the best she could do with what she had to work with. I walked onto the set knowing I would have less than five minutes to answer questions from Maria Bartiromo and her three guest journalists. If you split the time evenly among the five of us, there would be less than a minute for each. Healthcare is approaching 20% of the economy and the list of issues, problems, and solutions is quite long. What would they ask? I was mostly pleased with how it went. See video clips below. Read about Obamacare in Health Attitude.

John Patrick on Fox Business: November 2, 2015

TV Camera Video clip without advertisements. Some editing.  (4:16)

TV Camera Personal Supercomputers  (:50)

TV Camera The High Cost of Care  (:45)

TV Camera Medicare Negotiation of Drug Prices  (:37)

TV Camera Unnecessary Tests and Procedures  (:48)

TV Camera Video clip with advertisements. No editing.  (4:43)

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TV Studio

I am excited to be on Fox Business TV with Maria Bartiromo on Monday morning at 6:40am. If you are an early bird, please tune in. We will be talking about healthcare.