Google PlusA posting on the way about what Jon Mitchel, over at ReadWriteWeb, had to say about the results of a study examining the first 10 million Google Plus adopters. More on that later. For now, I wanted to share a thought about Google Plus “nearby”. As we all know, Google Plus has circles wherein we can define our friends, biker buddies, soccer moms, left or right thinking cohorts, etc. Another “virtual” circle that you don’t have to create is the “nearby” circle. That circle includes anybody who is in the geographic vicinity of where you are. Thanks to GPS and triangulation technology, it is not hard to determine where people are — if they agree to allow their location to be used. In times like today–hurricane Irene–that can be very helpful. You can post something or read something from  “Nearby” and it will likely be neighbors or at some point first responders and government leaders. Does anyone have electricity and spare freezer capacity? Is there passage at the Nod Road and Whipstick Road intersection yet? Anyone know where to get some D-cell batteries? If you are heading out of town, don’t take route X because it is closed. In more normal times, “nearby” postings may highlight good restaurants, plays, and local activities. There are other “channels” of communication including Twitter, Facebook, SMS, email, blogs, etc. but I see G+ as a convenient private (to the degree you want) approach to local communication. Oh, you can still call people on your cell phone too.