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CactusIBM Business Partners Leadership Conference
May 1, 2008, Los Angeles
Notes by John. R. Patrick

The accelerating integration of global economies

IBM committed to becoming a global integrated enterprise. BRIC plus 60-70 others

The emergence of a new computing model

IBM remixed it’s business to move to higher-value spaces away from low margin high volume products. Acquired 60 copmanies in last two years

Client focus on innovation and integration

IBM changed it’s own processes and organization to enable innovation and growth

hundred year old company is harder to do these things. Only way is to change.

Global opportunities in growth markets

3 billion people entering the midle class as a result ot global expansion. They will demand cars, telecom and financial services, government services, education, goods and services of all kinds. IBM has 3000 new partners in BRICs, setup 40 innovation centers, 250 innovation centers

New solutions for the “mid-market”. General business, a million clients representing 500 billion opportunity.

Blue Business Platform a new way to deliver IT for the entire industry

Various other new offerings to capture mid-market

The data center is now the point of optimization. They are fundamentally changing. It costs three times as much to support it as to build it. Top centers are out of energy and out of space.

Well positioned in 2008 and beyond. IBM has thousands of excellent partners, global reach and scale, strength in hgih growth areas, able to deliver complete solutions, mature, experienced and disciplined, financial strength and flexibility. Will be successful if they continue to invest in the skills and capabilities required to seize it, provide clients with a differentiating level of value and suceess. Attack the biggest and most sustainable opportunity in IT in a generation.

Eric Schmidt, chairman and ceo of Google. The rate of innovation in the Internet space is accelerating. Disk capacity doubling every 12 months, cpu speed doubling every 18 months. 500 million servers. At current growth rates, by 2019 a device on your belt will have 85 years of video on it. 81% of Internet users in Japan access via mobile. Americans send 1.6 billion sms’s per day. Cloud computing is the opportunity of a lifetime. Too many devices makes it confusing today but it will all end up on the network. Map search on your pc and see same thing on mobile. Convergence does not mean one device it means everything is in the cloud and you can get to it from a lot of different devices. The cost of innovation is lower than ever. Consumers are driving it and enterprises are caught. Ten hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute.

Collaboration between IBM and Google have created a cloud computing model and made it available to universities around the world. A public resource which can be used to study viuses, gene mapping, disease modeling, simulation of nuclear arsenal of the world, basic research which very likely will and can literally change the world.

Panel discussion between Sam and Eric moderated by Professor Pankaj Ghemawat from the Harvard Business School. Eric mentioned that Google accounting is outsourced to IBM, that he did not know where it was actually being doine but he is happy with it.