Is Subway Surfing Stealing?

Written: June 22, 2002 Edited: September 9, 2021 Hard to believe but when I was evangelizing Wi-Fi, there were many critics. NY Times featured an article saying Wi-Fi was a fad and it would go away. I wrote the following story 19 years ago. I was driving down Main Street in a small New England […]

Let’s Get The Politics Out Of Infrastructure

I believe the infrastructure of our country, states, and counties is critically important to our future. If we can get focused on infrastructure and global warming, the future for our kids and grandkids will be bright. All it takes is vision, leadership, and investment. Unfortunately, the issues have become politicized. In the case of infrastructure, […]

What’s New?

It was time for a break. The cruise with Silversea departed from New York City on Friday evening. The first stop was in Newport, Rhode Island. The next day we arrived in Boston and had lunch with our son and granddaughter who live there. The next day we arrived in Saint John, Canada and then […]

What’s New?

I hope you enjoyed the Dog Robot and Tesla Software stories. You can always browse and see nearly 2,000 postings. You can also search or select by category or tag. If you are not receiving my weekly e-brief, just click here. Please click on the envelope below to share this with friends and family. […]

Is Tesla a Software Company?

Tesla delivered 97,000 new cars in the quarter just ended on 9/30. Most of them were the Model 3 (which my wife has). Whether model 3, model S, or Model X, they all use basically the same software, just like different models of the iPhone all use iOS. When a new version of the Tesla […]