

Podcasting In the pre-dawn of the internet age, a new kind of voice crackled through the wires. It wasn’t the smooth tones of radio DJs or the formal pronouncements of news anchors. This was something different, a rebellion against the one-way flow of information. In the 1980s, audio blogging emerged, a whisper of a concept […]

Reenactment and Deepfakes by John R. Patrick

Reenactment and Deepfakes by John R. Patrick Written: April 2023 Facial recognition issues go much broader and deeper than surveillance. A team of researchers funded by the German Research Foundation published a paper called, “Face2Face: Real-Time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos“.  What the researchers have done is mind boggling. They call it facial […]

Facial Recognition in China by John R. Patrick

Facial Recognition in China Written: April  2023 Fortune Magazine published an article about facial recognition in China. The title was “Every Step You Take, They’ll Be Watching You”.  You might think with a population of 1.4 billion, it would be hard to conduct surveillance over such a large numbers of people. It actually is not […]

Cut the Cable

Cable, TV, Hollywood, media distributors, publishers, and related parties are having continuous discussions about the future of streaming video. I call them the Protectorate. Their goal is to protect their turf, not to give consumers what they want. If we could analyze the conversations, I am quite sure most things discussed are about how to […]

Olympic Advertising

It was a privilege to be able to be at the opening ceremony In Atlanta (1996), Nagano (1998), and Sydney (2000). The ceremonies get more extravagant each year and you have to wonder how they are going to top it the following year. The Atlanta Olympic Games was the beginning of e-business for IBM. A member […]