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Spam Fighting Technologies

SPAMfighter is a small tool that you can easily install on your computer. Whenever new mail arrives, it will automatically be tested by the SPAMfighter server and if it’s spam, it will be moved to your spam folder. Cloudmark is a company that stops spam before it costs you money. Cloudmark’s groundbreaking, peer-to-peer (P2P) solution […]

Will Wi-Fi Fly?

The cover story in Barron’s this week was entitled “Will Wi-Fi Fly?“. The sub-title was “Wireless networks are proliferating, but making money will be tricky”. Eric Savitz did a really good job covering WiFi in a very comprehensive way. I enjoyed discussing my views with him and he quoted me several times in his story. First […]

WiFi – Update No. 8 (coming)

WiFi Update No. 8 will be posted in the morning. I just finished it but it needs a spell-check and some editing. WiFi Update No. 8


When I entered engineering school almost forty years ago (is that possible?), I used a slide rule and engineering reference manuals. I think of that as the first of three generations of using engineering and scientific data. The second generation was web-based data with PC’s for standalone and separate analysis. Knovel Corporation (pronouced nah-vil) has […]