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Current Events by John R. Patrick – 06/21/2024

In this section, I share what I am up to, pictures of the week, what is new in AI and crypto, and more. Update Dear readers, Last week my weekly posts did not go out. There was a technical problem at Mailchimp. I believe it is fixed and am hoping you are receiving the email […]

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 06/07/2024

New sections may appear every week or just when I have something new to share. Current and upcoming JRP talks My latest talk was on June 4 at Heritage Hills in Somers, NY. I covered “The Rise of Bitcoin and the Rise of Bitcoin”. The auditorium was packed with about 150 people, mostly seniors. After […]

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 05/31/2024

New sections may appear every week or just when I have something new to share. Current and upcoming JRP talks My next talk is June 4 and Heritage Hills in Somers, NY. I’ll be covering “The Rise of Bitcoin and the Rise of Bitcoin”. My next talk will be at the Rivington Club in Danbury, […]

Cows Produce Human Insulin

Cows Produce Human Insulin Diabetes is a major health concern, affecting over 422 million people globally and 38.4 million in the US alone (11.6% of the population). While the exact number of insulin users is unknown, millions rely on it, particularly those with type 1 diabetes. The cost of this lifesaving medication is substantial, contributing […]

AI in Healthcare – Part 3

AI in Healthcare – Part 3 This will be my last article about the mini-series “AI in Healthcare”. In “Ai in Healthcare – Part 2”, I focused on radiology and drug development. I will now wrap up the series with impacts closer to patients and healthcare workers.  In personalized medicine, AI can analyze a patient’s […]