 +1 386-243-9402 MON – FRI : 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

Healthcare Common Sense: What Congress and the President Should Do

The good news is there is a lot of discussion in political circles about healthcare. The bad news is our political leaders, on both sides of the aisle, are not discussing the real problem. In Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare, I wrote about the many problems of the American healthcare system, but the […]

Convenience Is Driving Telehealth

American Well is a private company based in Boston, MA. It has a mission to improve access to quality healthcare while making it more affordable for consumers. The company does this by using mobile and web telehealth to remove barriers such as distance, mobility, and time and making healthcare more convenient. In today’s busy lives, convenience is becoming more important. […]

Time Released Drugs

Like millions of Americans, I have rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in my fingers. An excellent rheumatologist has prescribed various treatments with mixed results. RA tends to be most troublesome in the mornings. The medication that has eliminated morning pain and swelling is called Rayos. Rayos is mostly prednisone, a commonly used synthetic corticosteroid drug. What is unique […]

2017 – The Year of Telehealth

Telehealth is transforming medicine. The pace will accelerate in 2017 and the rapid adoption is presenting many questions to what I call the four Ps.  Patients. The WSJ reported the American Telemedicine Association has counted more than 15 million Americans having received some kind of medical care remotely. The ATA expects the number to grow […]

Blue Mesa and Diabetes

Diabetes is a life-long disease affecting how your body handles glucose, a kind of sugar, in your blood. Type 1 diabetes is genetic and the exact cause is not well understood. Most diabetes is type 2, and 27 million people in the U.S. are living with it. Nearly 90 million have prediabetes. This means their blood glucose is not normal, […]