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Status On Web Site Consolidation

I am in the process of consolidating my web sites and weblogs into one place here at patrickWeb and I appreciate your patience while I get this done. The project is coming along well, especially since a summer intern at IBM, Aaron Herrmann is offering me a hand. Today we learned about a beta available […]

Do We Need the Interstate Highway System in America?

Reflection – written July 1, 2002 I had long wanted to take a trip from my weekend retreat in Pennsylvania down to southern New Jersey to visit my mother and then back to my home in Connecticut — all without using the Interstate Highway System. An extensive study was done entitled “40 Years of the […]

Website Consolidation Project

Reflection – written , June 8, 2002 ibm.com/patrick has been around for more than seven years now. In April of 1998 johnpatrick.com was registered with the long-term idea that someday it would become the “portal” into all of my activities. Initially patrickweb was used just for private email but then in early 2000 a patrickWeb […]

My PhotoGallery

I started my first PhotoGallery in 1995, shortly after I built ibm.com/patrick. The nice folks at Kodak loaned me one of their new (at the time) DC-210 digital cameras and I began to take pictures all over the world. It is quite commonplace today but back in the mid-nineties it was a bit unique. I […]

Experimenting with Radio Userland

I have been experimenting with Radio weblog software from Userland for a week or so now and I really like it. My current plan — as soon as I master (learn some things would be a better way to say it) the features and details, is to consolidate my three main web sites…. ibm.com/patrick johnpatrick.com netattitude.org –> […]