Massive Computing and Data

Massive Computing and Data      We are moving at a breakneck pace into an era defined by unprecedented amounts of computing power and an explosion of data. I believe this trend will reshape all aspects of both our personal and professional lives. Another explosion is happening with the Internet of Things (IoT). Devices range […]

When Have We Seen Enough Drug Ads on TV?

When Have We Seen Enough Drug Ads on TV?      Ten years ago, I finished my doctorate in Health Administration and wrote Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare. One of the topics I wrote numerous magazine articles about and on-the-air interviews was about direct-to-consumer (DTC) TV advertising. I felt strongly about […]

Building Things

   Building Things      My mother and father were very thoughtful at Christmas time. They selected gifts for my two brothers and I which my parents believed fit our interests. In my case, they always picked things which were technology related. None of us used the term technology back then, but that is how […]

Medical Imaging

    Medical Imaging      In 2016, Geoffrey Hinton, a prominent AI researcher, said we should stop training radiologists. He claimed it was “completely obvious” within five years; AI deep learning would outperform radiologists. There has been significant hype around AI in radiology, with more than a few predicting AI would soon replace radiologists […]

An Amazing Solar Probe

   An Amazing Solar Probe NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, was established in 1958 in response to the Soviet Union’s space achievements. Since its inception, NASA has led America’s space exploration efforts, including iconic missions like Project Mercury, Project Gemini, and the Apollo Moon landings. NASA’s budget has fluctuated over the years, peaking […]